The ending made me tear up. I'm so glad she is okay

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Also, having spent a lot of time with my kid in various hospital settings: those child life specialists are goddamned angels walking this earth

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Child Life is so special

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Hey, I too live in the great state of Maryland and I gotta say, medical professionals here seem to categorize moms into two camps: the ones that "let it" and paranoiacs. 99.9% of my mom friends have been made to feel badly about some aspect of their medical choices made on behalf of their kid, and that 0.01% is a pediatric nurse. My first kid was born in Hawaii and despite me trying really hard to be a paranoiac, the culture was such that I could not help but turn into a "rub some dirt in that" mom in order to not be declared criminally insane. All this is to say, I'm sorry this happened, my own childhood asthma felt inconsistent, and I personally think you guys handled this like champs

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Respy d!!!! Loved this one. I am impressed that you thought to switch the blade. That would have probably ended up being a phone-a-friend moment for me and the friend would have thought of it.

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You put to words some of the hardest and loneliest feelings I've had as a mom of a kid with reactive airway - and explain so beautifully. I'm thankful my kid's nebulizer is a pink panda that he loves so much (probably more loves the screen time associated with it, but hey, we take our wins). It is a really surreal thing to bump up against that which we thought we couldn't handle and figure out what we are capable of handling again, if we have to.

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I've got a three year old who had his own multiday stay in the hospital because of breathing problems in 2022. It (and the next two, thankfully shorter, ER visits) taught me a lot about what I can handle. When you wrote about being relieved it was only canula, no bipap - been there. Solidarity for the "is this anything" [page turns] "this is an emergency" breathing-related whiplash and everything that comes after. So glad she's ok

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This made me cry! "I can handle my life." - Ugh. Sorry you had to go through this, it sounds so terrifying.

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"Now, if you know me, you know that my phone was at 7%." I LOL'ed at this one--this is definitely me as well.

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So glad she’s fine!! As an adult child asthmatic this sitch it very familiar — the way it would just SNEAK THE FUCK UP. You did great 💗

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like Wolverine's claws!

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Tearing up over here, too, there's so much we cannot control as parents... thank you for the reminder that I have to save myself and that, most of the time, I can. So glad she's OK, I haven't dealt with the hell of childhood asthma, but my kids' multiple febrile seizures feel like they've taken years off my life. Thank you for your beautiful writing.

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whatta ride!!!!! laughed aloud at explaining hospital TVs to a child who has every passing whim at her home streaming stick fingertips. my daughter was asthmatic as a baby / double RSV victim and it was so, so scary, i'm so sorry <3

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Made me cry, too. So glad she was well enough to Hulk out!

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